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Jagat Shiromani Temple 06/10/2024

Jagat Shiromani Temple 

Temple Pandaji 


Jagat Shiromani Temple is a Hindu Shrine in Amer, Jaipur district in Rajasthan, is dedicated to the Hidu Gods Meera Bai, Krishna, and Vishnu. Construction of this temple took nine long years between 1599 and 1608 AD by Queen Kanakwati, wife of Raja Man Singh. It makes it even more emotional to know that she, a mother, built it in the loving memory of their son Jagat Singh, who died at a young age of 34 years. The Queen wanted this temple to be universally famous, hence named it Jagat Shiromani Mani – meaning jewel on the head of Lord Vishnu. Since then, this temple has been a monument of National importance. Being affiliated to Hinduism, this temple is considered as an essential part of Amer history and has a beautiful statue of Lord Krishna. According to Hindu scriptures, it is supposed to be the same statue that Meera Bai worshiped in the State of Mewar.

The Architecture of Jagat Shiromani Temple is praiseworthy. It is built on a small hill, with a well at the entrance of the temple, which is no longer in use, although there is a turtle still dwelling there. A flight of steps leads to the grand entrance with an arch, referred to as Mahameru Prasad, which means a building that resembles a huge mountain Meru. This temple, consisting of well chiseled statues of trumpeting elephants and horses and scenes from mythological texts adorning the walls, pillars and arches, was built using stones that were locally sourced like white marble and black stone.

The Spiritual aspects of the Temple are an idol of Lord Krishna and another of Lord Vishnu, the same idols were worshiped by Mira Bai, the reason why the temple is also by the name Mira Mandir. One can also find a beautiful sculpted image of Garuda (vahana or vehicle of Lord Vishnu) just beside the temple. This statue of Lord Krishna used to be worshiped in the state of Mewar, 600 years ago. An interesting fact about this temple is that the statue was saved from being destroyed by the rulers of Amer during the Mughal war with Mewar state. Later the same statue was brought to Amer and reinstated in a temple. There is also a statue of Meera Bai to set along with the idol of Lord Krishna. Meera Bai was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna, was married to the King of Mewar, but considered Lord Krishna only to be her husband. This is the only temple in the whole world in which idols of Lord Krishna and Meera Bai are worshiped together.

The Jagat Shiromani Temple is located with two entrances, one that goes through the main road of Amer town and the other gate is from the stairs of the Amer Palace, and opens into the temple courtyard. This temple is considered as a very important architectural, religious and heritage sites of India.

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